Jenna Gribbon

Jenna Gribbon

Discover Jenna Gribbon's prints and multiples at Lougher Contemporary and immerse yourself in the artist's unique visual narrative, where every stroke tells a story and every detail invites interpretation.

With a keen eye for intimacy and human connection, Jenna Gribbon's work captures fleeting moments of everyday life with a poignancy that resonates deeply. From tender portraits to evocative scenes, her prints and multiples offer a glimpse into the complexities of the human experience.


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Damien HirstDamien Hirst | The Paper Veils | Lougher Contemporary

Damien Hirst - The Paper Veils

Hirst's "Veil" series, including the "Paper Veils," represents a significant evolution in his artistic practice. This series is deeply rooted in his exploration of colour and abstraction, reminisce...

Jonathan YeoKing Charles Royal Portrait Jonathan Yeo

Unveiling King Charles III: Jonathan Yeo's Royal Portrait

Buckingham Palace recently witnessed the unveiling of King Charles III's long-awaited royal portrait, masterfully crafted by acclaimed artist Jonathan Yeo. The first portrait since his coronation, ...

Nicolas PartyNicolas Party is Relishing the Transportive Power of Art

Nicolas Party is Relishing the Transportive Power of Art

Trained at the Glasgow School of Art, Party's journey to fame began with his unique approach to art-making and his distinct artistic style. Influenced by surrealism and abstraction, Party's artwork...